It’s an Evolutionary Process, is all…

They dealt the cards around the table

Each to each, as it was.

I picked up my “curses”, “monsters”, “classes” and “species” grasping at the play of the game…

and wondered what it was I was to do

With this odd assortment of clerics, cheats, wizards and blessings…
Observing, as Tom and Malcolm drew me in
In to strategy and tactic almost
before I understood – character and motive;
I fumbled and made a valiant attempt
To learn, incorporate integrate and inter act
in something so new I was
spellbound, and inept.

I know this purely because,
when at last I managed to
solicit some help – as was expected
from my fellow players
They fell over themselves to be the one
who assisted –
until I managed to allow them both
to help me from my plight
of ignorance.

We played a bit – until I was

Convinced of my ignorance

When Dan arrived, and took my hand

Level 2 ato Tom’s level 4 and Malcolm’s level 5

In the time it took me to flip a quesadilla

to fill the air with that scent and put some food into his body

Dan had taken my level 2

to an 11.

I smell the heat and friendliness of the hot food for my children

Like a dream wrapped around this moment

While they dance past me in a game

a simple game

I cannot actually, really.. fathom

and I know

all is right

with the world

Filed in: Poems

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