Cannon Fodder

How is it that we; most sentient/conscious of beings, are willing in all our glory to exonerate and uphold a system whereby, for  any of us to take anther’s life would be a crime of the highest order,  and yet; we as members of Nation/States will condone such behavior among Nations such that our own offspring are the cannon fodder for our communal Nation/State aggressions?

How is it that we; such peaceable and life supporting individual beings did find ourselves here, at the mercy of such a Nation/State system which would allow us to choose such sacrificed as this?

Where our examples are Prince William and Charles – or whomever; risking life and limb for the well being of the Empire?

To what end?

In realms such as ours, in this day and age, to be beholden to such an egregious way of being and to call it honor seems, on its face to be fraudulent.

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